Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I love my country! a land that has all it takes to achieve all we've ever dreamt  of......this is where i was born, this is where i  learnt to walk, this is where  i  was raised....I played *hide n seek* in  the bushes and forests which are now camping sites for evil men (BH), although I can't swim,i enjoyed the sight of children swimming happily in the rivers which are now contaminated with harmful sweet country Nigeria! Though I travel far and wide you will  always be on my mind!!! a big catfish head inside a plate of Banga soup...hmmmmm..d smell of my favourite Afang soup, fresh palmwine, piompiom, ishiewu,,pounded YAm + white soup....all these I can't forget. Now am scared to be out by 7pm, children no longer run around like I did, people will rather do a 3days trekking from portharcourt to Ibadan than risk their lives flying....children are no longer safe, oh! I weep for those little innocent girls that where kidnapped in Chibok.... It could be me, it could be your daughter....... I always dreamt of serving in a Northern state when I was in secondary School, but I will go on a 7days FAST if I have such dream now. I ran naked in the rain with other children 15years back, but now am afraid to even open my door when it rains lest an electric pole falls on my head, when last did u have uninterrupted power supply for 2hours? In 1970 I guess... If you are poor and get into trouble, I'd suggest you pray God to takes your life bcos u might be lucky to be in jail for 20years with no trial... But if you are rich or you know someone who knows someone who knew someone who had known someone then you can make your home a court if u wish........................ At this point I'd like to pick up my handkerchief and cry for some days, I want to go on my knees and say a prayer for NIGERIA... Would u join me?? to be continued